Grit: Courage and resolve; strength of character
Nick and I have been blessed to be entrusted with some fine young girls to parent. Both having agrarian roots growing up, it was without a doubt a goal of ours to raise our kids on a farm. Here, we believe, character is developed.
A few weeks ago our oldest daughter turned 9 years old, and she has been determined to join our hay crew. This is something she has been exposed to her entire life, in fact I can remember her riding in the car seat as a baby next to me as we picked up hay. But this year she has been determined she is no longer riding in the truck or tractor, but in fact going to contribute herself to the process of collecting and storing the hay. She knows that to sustain our animals through the winter this is a chore that must be done.
There is no doubt the bales weigh more than her, but through pushing, pulling, rolling and teamwork she has contributed to our haymaking endeavors this year. In the picture below, as her daddy and she leave the hay field hand in hand there is no doubt her grit, her character, her courage and resolve were strengthened this hot hay day.
My best,
Beth Tharp

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