According to National Pork Board, the average farmer in the United States produces enough food to feed 155 people. Compared to 1950 this is an astonishing 262 percent more food produced, while using two percent fewer inputs. By utilizing various forms of technology, the agriculture industry has been able to tremendously increase productivity while utilizing less inputs; how’s that for sustainability! The world population is expected to grow to 9-10 billion people by the year 2050. This in turn means that global food production will need to increase significantly to meet the needs of the additional population by that time.
On our small corner of the planet we try to do our best in producing food products efficiently, while not compromising our commitment to the stewardship of our animals, land and water. The core focus of our farm is to provide food for the world and opportunities for our community. We do this by raising and caring for pigs. For perspective, the pigs that are born at our farm go on to produce over 34 million three-ounce servings of pork for people worldwide each year. This is possible in large part to the hard work of our employees and partners.
While we are engaged in a commodity business, producing corn, soybeans and pork – all of which may be exported around the globe – we have been pondering how we can connect our food products directly with those in our community. We have frequently been asked over the years where the food that we produce can be purchased. In filling this request, we have started LT Farm Meats, LLC as a venue offering frozen meat directly from animals we raise, including pork, chicken and lamb, to people within our community.
We focus on producing a product that not only fills consumers’ needs around the globe, but also to our neighbors around the corner.-
