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Song of the Bob White

Beth Tharp

For the last several weeks I have had the privilege of listening to the song of the wild Bob White Quail through our open windows and in our barnyard morning and evening. These quail are a family favorite of ours. Not only do we have some avid bird dog enthusiasts who like to work their dogs in pointing out these quail, but the presence of these quail also indicates a healthy ecosystem on our land.


Once abundant through our area, the native Bob White Quail population has dwindled over the past century. Through radical landscape change and development, the song of the Bob White has become less prevalent. When the habitat is lost, so are the quail.


Through our family's stewardship practices, we have been able to set aside some land in the heart of our farming operation to provide habitat for these and other wildlife. Tall native grasses, bushes, trees, fence rows, cover crops, rotationally grazed pastures and farm ponds provide an abundance of habitat for wildlife.


It is humbling to realize that on this farm where the quail and other species reside, we are also able to raise food with quite literally thousands of people. Through our stewardship practices, caring for our land, water and animals, we are also able to care for the native wildlife of our land. There is not economic return for this, just a sense of deep pleasure knowing we are doing our best with our God given resources and his beautiful creation.



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