A few years ago we as a family were challenged to develop a set of core values, defined as the fundamental beliefs that define us as a farm. Initially it appeared to be a daunting challenge. However, as we began to brainstorm, it seemed there were four values that have served as the foundation for our business over the years. They are: Integrity, Relationships, Stewardship and Continuous Improvement.
Webster’s defines stewardship as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” With this in mind our family feels an obligation of stewardship to many “somethings”. Some of the “somethings” are readily apparent like the animals that are entrusted to our care or the land that we farm. As a family we talk about our stewardship responsibilities being more than just with our animals and fields, we also feel a responsibility to assist and take care of the employees that help us and the community that allows us to operate.
Are we perfect in our stewardship responsibilities? No, but we do try as best we can to take care of the resources, animals, people and “somethings” that God has entrusted us with. This ties in with the core value of Continuous Improvement, but that’s another story.-