Greetings from the farm!
Summer days on our farm are busy. During this time of year not only are we caring for our animals, but also managing our growing row crops, pastures and hay fields. It maybe genetic or it maybe an adaptation from our occupation, but our family is made up of morning people. Sometimes 5:00-7:00 in the morning maybe our most productive time of day. Here is a glimpse into a typical morning for our farm family.
Rise and shine! Many times before the sun. Benefit: We can enjoy beautiful sunsets like the one captured below.
We grab a quick and hearty breakfast, drink some water and coffee, and work to prioritize spending some time in the Word of God to start our day out in His truths.
Out the door for chores. My husband heads to our main farm to take care of our sow herd with our farm team. Feeding and individual sow and piglet checks are first to see who may need attention followed by other routine chores.
I and our children head out to take care of the animals at our house. Dogs let out of their nightly kennel stay and fed. Eggs collected and hens fed and watered. Meat chicken tractors (pens) daily moved to fresh grass, fed and watered. Horses put up off of pasture to enjoy the hottest part of the day under the fans in their stalls and away from the flies. Market lambs and resident sheep cat fed. Cows rotated onto new pasture as needed. Ewes and rams checked and watered.
As you can imagine this all take a bit of time, but the routine and continuity it provides for our family has great value. We are so very thankful for the lifestyle we are able to live and carry out daily.
My best,
