Stewardship, one of our core values, we define as taking care of...Our people. Our land. Our water. Our animals. Fill in the blank.
Every day we make decisions and strive to do our best to care for what God has entrusted us with. Our business can be summarized as managing the biological processes that go together to make food products for our customers. As you may know we focus not only on raising and caring for our animals, but also raising the feed ingredients that they will consume while in turn caring for our land and water. In so many ways the stewardship of our land, water and animals are inter connected together in an intricate balance.
The examples of this are numerous, but today I share with you a short video as I discuss how our cover crops and our sheep grazing management intersect.
This Week On the Farm
It has been another busy week here on the farm! Check out this short video of my husband Nick planting soybeans. Soybeans are important in our crop rotation as we strive to care for our land, water and animals. They are planted into a standing cover crop that has been planted after previous year’s corn. When processed, soybean byproduct soybean meal serves as a protein rich feed ingredients or our pigs and chickens. In case you missed it a few weeks ago, here is a virtual corn planter ride and more on our conservation practices.
Meat Availability Update
Thanks to our processor, Rice's Quality Farm Meats in Spencer, all of our pork and lamb products are back in stock. Product is moving fast though, please be sure to place your order ASAP if you need to procure some meat for you and your family.
You may also be interested in our BUNDLES if you have not looked through them before. The prepackaged bundles allow you to purchase large quantities of meat at a lower price than if you were to purchase each cut individually. Our 1/4 Hog Bundle is a very popular option that allows you to fill your cooler with a large number of cuts. The Pork Sampler Bundle is a good chance to try out a variety of our pork products. As pork is the ultimate breakfast meat, we have also put together a Breakfast Bundle with all you need for a month's worth of protein rich breakfasts! The Prime Lamb Bundle is perfect for those of your who like the nutrient dense flavorful lamb we provide.
One last note, in order to ensure the best product for our customers we have installed a freezer on our office porch. Simply place an order online, note day and 2 hour time slot you would like to pick it up, and we will have it waiting for you in this freezer. Simple as that!

We appreciate you confidence in our products. We realize there are many options for meat products, but sometimes it is nice to know precisely where it came from. We take pride in producing food for you, "From our Family's Farm to your Family's Table"!
Have a good week!
My Best,
Beth Tharp
